Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Beginnings (not just a Glee reference!)

Alright, so regular posting is not my thing (as I've mentioned several times)

However, I will give it another attempt as I've broken from 1st my winter depression & 2nd from the stressful time at work that restricts all non-work-related activities!

So, I think I mentioned ages ago that I was starting at a new gym (ha, "new", in reality the only gym I've committed to really. ever). I've been at this gym since then, and loved it.

While there have been some stumbles & oopsies along the way (i.e. pulling muscles 2 times and getting sick for a week), it overall has been a really positive experience. I love working with more than 1/2 the trainers, and am starting to really do well with the exercises!

It's great to see the accomplishment...and that is something I have to remind myself of on the days with 5:30 or 6am workouts. When I began I was doing almost all modified moves (squat, sit up, lunge), could barely get through a session with 'the ropes', and used very low or no weights for most moves as well. Now the only move I really still have problems with is the lunge. And I almost expected that, since I fall down when standing upright, let alone when I'm nearly in a half split!

I also have upped weights & not only go through a full 3-5 minute rope workout without too much problem, but I'm deliberately choosing to use the BIG ropes instead of the medium or mini ones. I even hit a HUGE accomplishment recently & completed 2, count them 2, full 1/2 hour workouts back to back! yay yay yay

~ ~ ~ ~

Alright, food.

Some food things that have gone on recently:

-I completed a 7-day veggie cleanse. Yes ladies & gents, I (mostly) went 7 days only on vegetables (from the low-glycemic index category), water, herbal tea & no more than 3 servings of fruit a day! Easily one of the hardest things I've done. Ever. Who knew that a rarely-meat-eater would salivate 3 days in when she smells meat from a nearby barbeque restaurant? Or that grilled anything-veggie tastes heavenly after 5 days of raw veg? (well, except for grilled aubergine, I completely failed in all respects with that one)

-Since the cleanse I've slowly gotten a more...balanced diet. Though I am still without bread & pasta for another month or so. I've discovered some really amazing new foods & recipes (this may over time turn into more of a food blog than confessional, be warned)

- Also, I've regressed occasionally since the cleanse. Early last week it was blazing & I was in a rut with no air conditioning. The house I was in had some ice cream handy & in my fevered, desperate haze I ate some hoping for relief...all I got was a wicked stomachache & some intestinal distress later. Same going for a cold fizzy drink a friend offered, massive problems.

And lesson learned. The cleanse was for a reason, I do not wish that pain on anyone (well, maybe the entire cast of Jersey Shore...terrible show) & will not again experience it myself.

So, here is a frigid gem that I discovered to replace, well, all bad-for-you cold delights. It's simple:

Yum-in-the-Sun Greek yogurt

Ingredients include:
6-8 oz PLAIN non-fat Greek yogurt of your favourite brand
1/4 a bottle of agave nectar...too much? yes, probably, let's make it 1/2 bottle instead ;)
any frozen berries available (I chose blueberries)

mix the yogurt with the berries.
squeeze on some agave nectar (I've found in almost all the markets I've looked in, light or amber doesn't seem to matter, just make sure you get organic) & mix some more.
if you like it sweeter (as I do), or thinner than normal Greek yogurt (as I do), add more agave nectar.

another variation: pop your yogurt/agave nectar mix in the freezer after making for a fro-yo dessert!

Haven't heard of agave nectar? It's super nutritious & absolutely delicious! Think honey, but thinner, healthier, yummier (of course), and easier to mix in tea & such due to it's ability to dissolve rather well. ( I know a scientific term exists for this...I just don't know it)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

4.5 weeks

Wow. It has been quite some time since I posted last (huh, didn't I start my last post this way?)

Anyway, I'm at 4.5 weeks into my gym program. I am PSYCHED!! I was at the gym yesterday (one of the 'worst'...aka best gym days yet) & was doing situps with a 20 pound bar in my hands (I began at the gym not being able to do any full ones, instead doing half situps) My squats are still not there yet, but as I told the trainer, my gym life is measured by my progressions. My overall goal: to be at the same place as everyone else started. I might make it!

I was off at my parents for Easter weekend, & did NOT do well. I ate ice cream & pizza & pie & chocolate...etc. Boo.

However, since being back home I am doing a bit better.
Eating lots of oatmeal with apples, trying to make salad (I love salad once it's made...but can't stand making it), etc. Even making eggs with ham.

Breakfast: oatmeal w/ apples
Snack: mixed berries w/ 1/2 a greek yogurt (greek yogurt is very thick...not sure if I like it)
Lunch: 'Smart Eat' chicken tv dinner
Snack: mix of soy nuts, almonds, cranberries, & pumpkin seeds
Dinner: more oatmeal w/ banana & apples
Snack: more nut mix

lots of repeated meals...but I've not yet figured out how to eat a balanced diet of carbs, protein & vegg.

Monday, March 15, 2010


It has been 1 week. 1 week since I started at my kick-ass gym (well, other than the orientation) I've never done this sort of exercise program before, but am a bit surprised. I am not sore all the time (actually since struggling walking for 4 days after orientation ~ 2 weeks ago I haven't been more than a bit achy), I expected quite the opposite. Huh. Maybe I'm not pushing it enough? Everyone else in my classes are moving up in weights & things...I'm still doing all modified moves (1/2 situps to strengthen my silly 1 side that is weaker than the other & making it verrrry difficult to do a proper sit up)
(lunges holding onto a stabilizing rope so I don't fall down because I was not making it low enough to the ground)
(modified squats holding a bar over my shoulders to help balance me I think? Funny, I thought my massive midsection & rear would balance each other out!)

etc. Anyway, I'm able to do more each time, but still think I'm holding back. I was doing a held-pushup (basically you hold it in the middle, not completely up & certainly not down!) & holding it for a minute (hah, working towards that), & I consciously had the thought "I think I should drop now, I can't hold it longer." I didn't drop because my body gave out...I did it because my mind did. I'm going to have to learn to turn off my brain, it's sending all the wrong "Let's fail now" signals to my body!

Regardless, I LOVE THIS WORKOUT!! It may very well be my imagination, but I think I'm already seeing results! At least I'm more confident & happy than I've been in years. I wore a shirt I was scared to wear before because I thought it looked better on me. It may just be my perception is much less negative, but regardless I'm wearing pretty clothes again :)

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Now onto the FOOD aspect of this blog (really the main reason I started here):
1. I'm supposed to eat more protein (ick)
2. I AM eating more protein! Who knew that protein didn't have to be meat & eggs?! At a local shop they sell protein 'packs' of mini bagels, apples, grapes, almonds & pb (yum!) I've been getting one after each morning I work out (3 mornings a week)
3. On the nights when I work out I treat myself to Subway melts, heavy on the green peppers. I like this option because it include carbs (wheat bread), veggies (tomatoes & lots of peppers), & protein (turkey & roast beast), with a bit of melty cheese (my treat to me) & dressing on the side
4. I'm trying to stay away from cereal, yogurts, & yummy Strawberry eggos. Instead I've been making myself oatmeal as many mornings as I can get awake early enough. Plus I add just a dash of brown sugar & dried fruit that is yummy in oatmeal!

Today was NOT a workout day (6am tomorrow is though...), & I did not do as well as I've been doing this past week:
Morning: eggos (really late start, almost late for work!)
Midmorn snack: Special K protein shake (even with the added protein I've been eating I'm still way behind on how much I should have, so I'm supplementing for now)
Lunch: Healthy Choice panini (again, late morning so no time to make a healthy alternative)
Dinner: chicken sandwich on wheat (sadly it was fast food & breaded) with a huge helping of steamed broccoli
Dessert: an icky apple (normally I love apples, this one was gross) with some natural pb (also icky, only should be used for pbj sandwiches)

Secrets of the day: I had a slice of banana bread at work (darn coworkers bringing in too much food :( ), fries with dinner, & a handful or more of white choc chips and 2.5 chocolates for dessert. Oh, and a Coke with lunch & a sweetened lemonade with dinner.

Boo this ending. I'm going to feel it tomorrow at the gym! I feel icky...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

No Bakes

Ok, so sadly I don't seem to have the dedication for a daily blog...yet. It is a goal of mine that I'll work on. Let's start with weekly instead :)

Today I'll start with food:
Breakfast: 2 Strawberry eggos, no topping
Mid-morning snack: 1/2 a pbj on wheat with Smuckers Natural w/ a touch of Honey pb & not jelly, it's called 'spreadable fruit' now (cherry)
Lunch: Lean Cuisine Butternut Squash Ravioli (yum!) & a coke
Snack: Special K Strawberry granola bar-thingy
Dinner: 1/3 of a 12 inch Subway club on wheat with swiss, tomatos, pickles, heavy on the green peppers, & honey mustard sauce on the side
Dessert: I'll likely have a no-bake cookie (or not, since I've had 2 half-dollar sized ones already today)

-I am stressed. Very stressful time at work (that time of the year) and it's my first time doing this stressful-ness
-I joined a kick-ass gym today (finally, right?!) And had a orientation (we learned & practiced the moves) The gym did exactly as it was supposed to. It kicked my ass. Stupid me didn't think to eat anything but that granola bar after 12:30, & the exercise began at 6. Duh.
-One thing my trainer said after he finished taking my weight, BMI (shudder), & measurements (double shudder) was that my nutrition is off. Duh. So now I have to start eating proper amounts of protein. Ugh. Of all things I dislike it's protein. I don't like meat. I rarely eat eggs. And, honestly what else is there? But I will do it. After feeling that dizzy I don't want that again!

Secret of today? Hmm, how about that I stole the second cookie I ate from my coworkers Tupperware without her knowing? I'm bad...but it was yummy! (see, these are the thoughts/spontaneous actions that have gotten me here!)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

i feel like typing in all lower case letters today

I've time for a quickie

breakfast: coffee, mini bagel, 5 apple slices, handful of almonds, ~ 10 grapes & pb
lunch: cheese pasta & Sprite Zero
snack: rest of my Sprite Zero & 2 cranberry girl scout cookies
dinner: pork loin w/ gravy, big helping of green beans, (mistake - spoonful of pb prior)
mistake #2: 2 big pieces of cake...ate it without thinking...

2 positives for today though. the 1st being that at work i often sit, but am deliberately walking around more & more. 2nd is i tried to find the gym i want to join this morning, but got lost doing so. i eventually did find it, & really like the look of the place. i'll enjoy going there soon to sign up.

it was sad yesterday that my show was not on. i enjoy the biggest loser because i find their progress motivates me to get goin'. regardless, i am feeling quite motivated without watching this week. maybe it is the olympics & realizing how much those people can do and, while i will not get to their level, i can get much closer than i currently am. sadly tonight my back aches after all the filing i did late in the day at is just a reminder that things need to change & they will not do so on their own.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Don't you just love those days when all your plans go out the window? Yep, 100% fits my day!

Regardless, a quick update on my intake vs. output today (food v. exercise):

Breakfast consisted of 2 buttermilk eggos. I was about to eat a Poptart, but stopped myself because 2 eggos are more than sufficient!

Lunch was a rushed affair as my lunchtime at work has disappeared for the last few weeks...basically I heat up a frozen meal & eat as I talk.

Dinner was the other half of my Thanksgiving-in-a-sub Bobbie from last night. Yum!

Post dinner snacking was my weak spot for today. 1 small slice of red velvet cake with frosting, Special K snack bar, & a cupcake. Oh bother.

I did plan ahead for dessert tonight, and it was great :) (i.e. the correct dessert, not the bad choices above) I went to the 'fancy' mart & splurged to buy produce. Raspberries, Blackberries, the quality oj (Simply Orange is my fav!), & Dannon Light & Fit vanilla yogurt all combined in my new mini-blender/smoothie maker to make a scrumptious smoothie that was admittedly heavy in yogurt, but will be better tomorrow :)

Oh, and I went hog wild & bought quality broccoli, romaine & my guilty pleasure - pb.

. . .
Tomorrow's dinner plan: left over pork loin & green beans
The next night: baked chicken & broccoli
(Finally) Friday: my biggest splurge!: whole wheat cheese ravioli!! I have to find a good recipe for a butter or oil-based dressing, because my least favorite Italian combo is tomato sauce (which is normally amazing the way I make it) with ravioli or other cheese-stuffed pasta. I want to enjoy the calories I am putting in my body & can only do that with a lighter sauce that takes a backseat to the pasta itself.

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Finally, I just have to say U.S.A!! I'm watching the Olympics when I can & am enjoying it greatly!!

Kidnapped & held hostage...

Sooo....16 days off this blog...oops.
Well, for part of that time I was kidnapped & held hostage by the weather, knocking out communication with the outside world. But during the other time I guess I just allowed bad habits to grab hold again (I've always struggled with consistently doing things)

Anyway, quick review of the past...16 days...:
I started out trying very hard to do well. Prior to the Weather of Feb 2010, I made a delish turkey chili & stocked up on good-for-you yummies. (veggies, low fat yogurts, etc)
However, just before the storm I'd purchased all the makings for a cake to take to work. That meant icing was in my house...dun dun DUN!

Yes, while in some regards I was 'good' while trapped inside, I also was bad. The icing was gone at the end of the week, I overdid in after No-Cheese January, & was tempted to break No-Chocolate February. Plus I snacked...oh boy did I. String cheese is a down fall of mine (like pb...did I mention I like pb?) & I went through 2 packs in 10 days. Ugh. BIG TIME Ugh.

Then, after the 1st storm I went out to replenish my cake-making supplies to prep for work starting again...& Storm Two hit! Icing gone a second time...

And, my sneaking prowess was put to the test during all of this. Both my roomie & boyfriend were there for much of the time. Parts of the week felt like Mission Impossible. Oh, but I was Kim Possible, complete with ringtone & very own personal Wade.

I did exert a lot of energy in shoveling, but that's about it. Video games & work took over other than that (and reading, I have a not-at-all-secret affair with reading consistently)

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Now to explain my No-____ Month comments. As my New Years Resolution I decided to give up something instead of adding something. Plus, as I've mentioned I'm rarely consistent with things like this, so I'm working in short increments rather than a full year. Each month I am giving up food. Not just any food, it has to be something that will be challenging for me. (no No-Steak September!...that would be a piece of cake)

So, for January I gave up cheese. That was hard. I've always been a cheesy person (haha), in particular mozzarella & more recently cheese in a can. (gross sounding I know, but surprisingly yum)
Other than 2 inadvertent flubs I kept to it (I didn't read ingredients closely enough) Yay!
One side affect that this month had on my body (other than me learning to read ingredients much more closely), is that my nails started to split. Now I've always had very good the point where the one time I tried to get fake nails they refused because they didn't want to ruin them... However, I think I didn't get enough calcium or something during Jan, because my nails became a hot mess. Fortunately that is getting better as this month goes on.

Now February is No-Chocolate. This is not the hardest thing in the world for me, as I truly am not a huge chocolate fan, but around's difficult. So, to combat any weakness, I've taken this on. Now, it is challenging when there are boxes (yes, plural) of chocolate in the kitchen, some of it Godiva... But I'm holding out.

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Final thing for now. my goal for this week is to join a gym. I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but wasn't sure which one to join. There are typical gyms all over the place near me, but my experience with them has been svelt guys attempting to benchpress whole buildings, & models trying to attract the attention of their counterparts...all while I'm getting to be a hot sweaty mess & waiting an hour for an elliptical to open up. Oh, yeah, and experiencing extreme redfacedness from all the looks & not-so-whispered comments when people saw me.

So, I'm looking for something better than the 'typical' gym. I heard both good & bad things about Curves, so that's an option. But there is another option as well that I'm going to try. It's this place that uses equipment you'd never find in Snooty-Skinnies Only clubs. Things like ropes, kettle drums, etc. This is intriguing to me & I want to try to find time to get over there this week...and hopefully not get laughed out of there.

Alrighty, I'll post later. Promise.